
glaucoma treatment

Known as the “silent thief of sight”, glaucoma is the world’s second leading cause of blindness (behind cataracts). Importantly, glaucoma continues to be the leading cause of irreversible blindness worldwide. Unlike cataracts, which are accompanied by a discernible vision impairment, glaucoma typically has no early symptoms.

Glaucoma causes damage to the optic nerve that gradually leads to a permanent loss of vision. Because vision loss caused by glaucoma cannot be reversed, early detection and treatment are our best tools to defeat this silent thief.

The good news is, that for most cases of glaucoma, treatment can be as easy as dependably using prescription eye drops and regularly visiting Northside Vision for on-going monitoring so we can work with you to stay ahead of the disease. More advanced cases can sometimes benefit from surgery. Just know that whatever it takes, Dr Fairborn will be a dedicated partner in your fight to retain your vision.

Glaucoma Risk Factors & Suspicion of Glaucoma

If your eye examination findings lead to a diagnosis of “glaucoma suspect”, it is because you have characteristics (i.e., risk factors) suggesting that you may be at higher risk of developing the disease. These risk factors include:

  • Optic nerve appearance suggestive of glaucoma

  • Elevated or unequal intraocular pressure (IOP)

  • Visual field defects

  • Retinal nerve fiber layer defects

  • Genetic predisposition

  • Optic nerve hemorrhages

  • High myopia

  • Advanced age: Risk increases with age

  • Medical conditions: Including diabetes, high blood pressure, and eye injuries

What is a Glaucoma Suspect examination?

Because glaucoma has no early symptoms, onset is often gradual over time, and there are no definitive lab tests for diagnosis, glaucoma can be a difficult disease to diagnose. Diagnosis often requires regular glaucoma-specific testing. During a glaucoma suspect evaluation, your pupils will usually be dilated, and we may perform one or more of the following tests:

  • Visual field EXAM. This instrument tests the peripheral (side) vision.

  • OCT SCANS. Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) is used to better determine the shape and size of the optic nerve head and/or evaluate the health of the retinal nerve fiber layer.

  • Optic Nerve Images. Digital images are captured to monitor optic nerve health.

  • Ophthalmoscopy. This procedure allows us to directly visualize the optic nerve.

  • Tonometry. This test measures the pressure inside the eyes.

  • Gonioscopy. This procedure inspects the area where fluid drains from the eyes.

  • Pachymetry. This test measures the thickness of the corneas.

Each of these evaluation tools is an important way to monitor your eye health to help ensure that glaucoma does not damage your sight. Some tests may need to be periodically repeated (typically every 6-12 months) to monitor for changes over time.

The Importance of Early Detection of Glaucoma

Early detection is crucial in the effective management of glaucoma. Since the condition often progresses gradually without noticeable symptoms in its early stages, regular eye exams are essential. These exams help identify signs of glaucoma before significant vision loss occurs. When glaucoma is detected, various treatment options can slow or halt the progression of the condition. Early intervention can help preserve your remaining vision and prevent further optic nerve damage.

Advanced Diagnostic Testing at Northside Vision


Northside Vision takes pride in staying on top of technology in order to provide the best eyecare to our patient family. We use advanced state-of-the-art diagnostic instruments and techniques to detect, monitor, and treat glaucoma. Some of our advanced technology is described below.

ZEISS HUMPHREY HFA3 Visual Field Analyzer​​​​​​​

For visual field testing we use the Zeiss Humphrey® Field Analyzer 3 (HFA3). This instrument is the gold standard of perimetry. The instrument helps us monitor for changes to both your peripheral (side) vision and central vision. The instrument allows us to monitor glaucoma, macular degeneration, droopy eyelids and even vision loss caused by strokes and brain tumor. This instrument helps us make an accurate diagnosis and then allows us to monitor for change over time to ensure we are properly protecting your vision.


For Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) we use the Zeiss CIRRUS OCT Photo. This advanced instrument is used to determine the shape and size of the optic nerve head and/or to evaluate the health of the retinal nerve fiber layer. The CIRRUS PHOTO combines a full true color retinal camera with state-of-the-art CIRRUS OCT technology. The CIRRUS photo is convenient for our patients since it allows multiple tests done in one location. It provides comprehensive, high-quality diagnostic information which allows us make informed decisions about your care.

The CIRRUS photo also captures high-resolution images of the optic disc using a specialized camera. These images are helpful in evaluating changes in the appearance of the optic disc over time. Changes in the appearance of the optic disc can be indicative of glaucoma and can aid in its early diagnosis.

ZEISS FORUM - Interactive Review At Your Exam

Our Zeiss FORUM software enables us to provide our patients with an interactive analysis of optic nerve images and OCT scans on the day of their glaucoma exam. We are big about patient education and want you to understand your condition and be an active partner in your care.

Glaucoma Treatment Options

If you are diagnosed with glaucoma, we will work closely with you to develop an individualized treatment plan. The goal of glaucoma treatment is to lower and control your intraocular pressure (IOP) at a level that prevents further damage to the optic nerve and preserve your remaining vision.

Prescription eye drops are often the first line of treatment for glaucoma. These medications work by either reducing the production of fluid in the eye or improving the drainage of fluid, effectively managing the IOP.

In some cases, surgical procedures may be recommended to create a new drainage pathway for fluid in the eye or implant a drainage device. These surgical procedures are typically reserved for more advanced or poorly controlled cases of glaucoma.

Why Choose Northside Vision for Your Glaucoma Care?


At Northside Vision, we understand the importance of comprehensive and personalized glaucoma care. Our team is dedicated to providing you with the highest level of expertise and support throughout your journey with this condition.

With over 25 years of experience in eyecare, Dr. Fairborn has dedicated his career to helping patients preserve their vision and maintain their quality of life. His extensive knowledge and expertise in glaucoma management ensure that you receive the most effective and personalized treatment. Trust us to be your partner in protecting your precious sight.